人の輪に温かく溶け込むオーバルデザイン — Oval Design Brings People Closer Together
その中でも、私なりの生活とその機能がともない、かつ、まず使い勝手から生まれた質感とフォルムから出た美しさあるモノ、そして自然にそこにいてくれる、それが食のアイテムとしてのMy Miracle。
MIRACLE クリエイティブディレクター 中岡美奈子
In any case, I am fond of objects.
Especially those with functions that complement my lifestyle, with quality and form conceived for ease of use resulting in beautiful design, naturally blending into their surroundings. Fulfilling all of these conditions, this earthenware pot qualifies as My Miracle.
To begin with, my room and my table are elongated, forming a canvas that reacts positively to oval tableware and crockery. In my narrow – yet not oblong – room, people near the square corners of the serving dishes seem to participate with a different level of intensity.
Around this earthenware pot, everyone comes together effortlessly and it takes up little space. In addition to generous hot-pot dishes, it can be used to cook delicious rice. Above all, it is so easy to clean. Never proclaiming its handmade earthenware origins in an insistent way, it evokes a functionally industrial, stoic feeling. Every weekend, it enriches my life and lets me feel gratitude.
Though I have never met the artist, Aya Nomura, I am sure she is as inspiring as her creations.
Minako Nakaoka, Creative Directer MIRACLE Co.